Curriculum and Instruction

The Department of Learning oversees all curriculum, assessment, instruction and student services across the District as well as professional development plans for teachers that match District goals. We are committed to providing a high quality education to prepare and empower students for success in a dynamic world.

Our responsibilities include:
  • Staying abreast of current educational practices
  • Evaluating achievement scores and aligning the curriculum to maximize student learning
  • Reviewing textbooks and instructional materials for classroom adoption
  • Supporting teachers and staff through professional development opportunities
  • Supporting teachers and staff through mentoring programs
  • Developing a comprehensive assessment plan
  • Overseeing district committees related to teaching and learning, such as Title I, Curriculum Development and Assessment Writing
  • Overseeing policy and procedures related to student expectations
  • Overseeing special student programming, such as Title I, Transitional Bilingual Education and Special Services.

We work closely with teachers and staff to provide a standards-based curriculum that ensures each child has the same essential learning opportunities. We provide an aligned system of common formative and summative assessments for each grade level to guide instruction in a timely fashion and determine whether expected mastery and growth have occurred. We set high expectations for learners and continually collect, monitor and act upon evidence of their achievement progress.

Lisa Figurell

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction

Katie Koniewicz

Administrative Assistant